Denmark Multibuz limited
This case study explores denmarkmultibuzltd, covering the Project Overview, Tools Used, and Live Links to the official product.
Project Overview
I led the development of DenmarkMultibuz, a comprehensive e-commerce platform built with Next.js for seamless and dynamic user experiences. The platform features advanced product management, user and admin interfaces, and optimized performance.
Key Highlights:
Real-Time Data Management
The platform features advanced sorting, filtering, and searching of products using MongoDB Atlas Search.
Optimized for SEO
Utilized Next.js metadata and OpenGraph meta tags for improved SEO and beautiful link previews.
Enhanced User Experience
Implemented advanced sorting and filtering using Tanstack Table, with real-time updates via React Query and Zustand.
Stylish UI with Tailwind CSS
Modern, responsive, and sleek user interface design using Tailwind CSS.
Rich Media Management
Integrated Cloudinary for efficient media optimization and management.
Dynamic Content Creation
Utilized Quill Rich Text Editor for seamless content management.